
My Name is Sandra (she/her)

Welcome! I'm so glad you're here. I'm a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Herbal nerd.

I strive to live life as an “activated” woman.  A slow and thoughtful process, activation down to the cellular and soulular levels involves discovering and supporting how I work best and helping others to do the same, thus the brand I created out of myself:

Woman Activated.”

I support people in overall Health through slow sustainable Wellness.

I'm a Mother to 4 adult plus 4 bonus kids.  My husband and I live in a beautiful resort town and thrive in the forests, lakes and mountains of the Inland Northwest. 

I am passionate about bringing cycles and rhythms into the experience of Whole Human Wellness.

I look forward to helping you.

-Sandra Nizzoli


  • Credentials: NTP, IC-FHS, AIPCC
  • Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP); Certified through the Nutritional Therapy Association
  • Functional Hormone Specialist (FHS) Certificate of Completion through International Association for Functional Hormones
  • Herbalist, certificate of completion, Herbal Wisdom Institute
  • AIP Certified Coach (AIPCC); Certified through AIP Paleo Certified Coach program 
  • Member of the Nutritional Therapy Association
  • Member of IAFHH

In addition to my business, I also enjoy hiking, snow shoeing and boating.  I love cooking in my outdoor kitchen and working from my home office on our 11 acres just out of town.

I serve on two boards in my community, one is a Non Profit which offers a music education and enrichment exchange program and the other is my local Human Rights Task Force.

I also love to mentor Parents on Whole Human Parenting and child soul development.


Can you help with autoimmunity, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, etc?

I am specially trained in hormones which can affect the body to present in the form of PCOS, dysmenorrhea (severe PMS), amenorrhea (no period), anovulation (no ovulation), etc

I am specially trained in the immune system, inflammation and autoimmunity which can present in many forms including endometriosis (an inflammatory response), hashimotos thyroiditis, psoriasis,IBD, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Diet, therapeutics and lifestyle can greatly impact the outcome, and that’s something we can manipulate to our advantage!

What is "Cycle Living"

The Rhythms of Being Human


Not only do we experience many life phases within the experience of being Human:

-Puberty and adolescence

-Reproductive years

-Mid life and beyond

But within each of these are intricate cycles and phases in which our hormones fluctuate.  From the 24 hour cycle of the "Circadian" rhythm to the month long cycle of the "Infradian" rhythm, our body has fluctuating energy levels, metabolism function and nutritional needs.

I teach youth and adults about leveraging these cycles for optimal healthy living.

What is DUTCH test analyzation?

Hormone Panel


The DUTCH test is one of the most comprehensive hormone panels available.  DUTCH stands for "dried urine test for comprehensive hormones."  This diagnostic test takes not only urine, but can also sample saliva to include sex hormones as well as stress response hormones.

I am trained at analyzing these lab results through a "Functional" lens to provide an overview of patterns and a nturitional protocol to address the results.

*I do not administer these labs.  Rather, I can take the results and provide functional analysis and Nutritional Protocols. I can coach you through how to order and administer this yourself.

How I Can Help?

Check out My Services

Cycle Living, Hormone Health

Discover the Infradian Rhythm of menstruation, the cycles within this rhythm and how to support the natural hormonal fluctuations. Learn to track your cycle by observing the signs your body gives you.

Nutritional Therapy to address hormonal symptoms such as: Acne, PMS, Cramping, Heavy Bleeding, Headaches, etc

I also offer analyzation of DUTCH hormone lab work.

Mental and Overall Wellness

From stress management and breathing techniques to sleep hygiene to the HP/Adrenal axis to gut health to blood sugar regulation, we will take a deep dive into symptoms, environment, culture and concerns to co create a Nutritional protocol.

Mid Life and Beyond

Peri/Menopause Nutritional and Lifestyle support.  Discover what is happening with the body, why we experience certains symptoms during this time of our life and how to address these and support the body through this life phase of being human.

Woman Activated

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